When is a floodstudy required?

When a proposed development is identified as either affected or potentially affected by flooding. The development shall comply with a set of regulations and requirements by the State Government and Councils. The requirements are  essentially to ensure the development does not cause adverse flood impacts to the neighbouring properties while provides adequate flood protection for human lives against corresponding flood risk categories.

I n general a flood study would

           + establish flood extents, flood depths, flood levels.
           + identify flood hazard and flood risk .
          + quantify flood impacts induced by the proposed development.
          + verify effects of any proposed flood mitigation measures.

A flood study will form part of requisite documents for a DA submission to Council or a CDC submission to a PCA. 

What is a flood impact assessment? 

A flood impact assessment involves comparison of flood conditions between "existing" and "developed" scenarios. In most cases the proposed development will modify/replace the existing building(s), resulting in diversion or redirection of the existing overland flow path, altering the existing flood levels, velocies , hazards. Should a development significantly induce detrimental effects to the neighbouring alloments it is unlikely approved by the relevant Council/ Authority.

Examples of "Existing" and "Developed" flood conditions 

  1. Managing Director
  2. Managing Director
  3. Managing Director
  4. Managing Director
  5. Managing Director
  6. Managing Director
  7. Managing Director
  8. Managing Director
  9. Managing Director



